Mohamed Gadelrab
Academy Officer
EIT Urban Mobility
Barcelona, Spain
Mohamed Gadelrab is an urban development specialist with 6+ years of experience in international projects. He specializes in Nature-Based Solutions, project management, and communications. Holding dual master’s degrees in Sustainable Urban Development, he's passionate about creating healthy cities and advancing urban mobility through innovation.
The Interconnected Nature of Mobility and Liveable Spaces
Mobility #Congestion Charging, #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Public Realm, #Smart Traffic Management, #Transport/Mobility Hubs
Tuesday, November 05 - 11:00h - 11:15h (GMT+)
Towards the Symbiosis of Active and New Micromobility
Mobility #Challenges of interaction, #Nudging, #Promoting Cycling Culture, #Walkability
Wednesday, November 06 - 11:00h - 11:10h (GMT+)
Planning for Active Mobility in Cities
Mobility #Health Benefits of Active Mobility, #Nudging, #Promoting Cycling Culture, #Walkability
Wednesday, November 06 - 11:10h - 11:30h (GMT+)