Cities for Positive Impact: Implementing Local Urban Agendas

Governance & Economy #Citizen Engagement, #Co-creation, #Cross-sector Governance, #Indicators, #Multi-stakeholder, #Multilevel Governance, #Urban Global Agendas
Thursday, November 07 09:30h - 17:00h
Save to calendar 07-11-2024 09:30 07-11-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid Cities for Positive Impact: Implementing Local Urban Agendas

Collaborative workshop on the implementation of Local Urban Agendas, aimed at the pilot project municipalities of the Spanish Urban Agenda Action Plans. Activity developed in collaboration with the Sub-Directorate General of Urban Policies of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda.

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Collaborative workshop on the implementation of Local Urban Agendas, aimed at the pilot project municipalities of the Spanish Urban Agenda Action Plans. Activity developed in collaboration with the Sub-Directorate General of Urban Policies of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda.

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