Yazeed AlGhamdi
Yazeed AlGhamdi Director, Emerging Technologies Roshn Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Hailing from Saudi Arabia, Yazeed Alghamdi is a dynamic and results-driven IT professional with an impressive track record spanning over a decade, specializing in Digital Transformation & Strategy. He has consistently demonstrated his expertise in driving multiple national delivery projects, leading both business and technical teams.


Save to calendar 05-11-2024 12:35 05-11-2024 13:15 Europe/Madrid Innovative Solutions for Smart Urban Infrastructure

What does it take to build the cities of the future? Understanding the transformative power of the innovations that are shaping modern urban landscapes is crucial. By showcasing cutting-edge novelties in construction, infrastructure, and urban planning, this session provides insights into the strategies implemented to create resilient, sustainable, and inclusive urban environments.


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