Vidal Roca
Vidal Roca Sales Manager Iberia PTV Group Karlsruhe, Germany


Vidal Roca works as a Sales Manager at PTV GROUP, I'm directly involved in the business development and sales management for the promotion of PTV Mobility Software technology and knowledge. Currently in charge of the Spanish and Portuguese market, I laid the foundation of PTV America Latina and the PTV Africa market during the last years.


Save to calendar 07-11-2024 11:45 07-11-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Towards a Holistic Transport System: Learnings from CCAM Demonstrators in Europe

This session focuses on integrating and advancing Connected Autonomous and Cooperative Mobility (CCAM) technologies, including insights from EU CCAM initiatives. It focuses on their role in creating a cohesive transport ecosystem, with key topics including automated mobility hubs, vehicle technology advancements, public digital infrastructure (PDI) support, and addressing regulatory challenges in mobility solutions.

Towards a Holistic Transport System: Learnings from CCAM Demonstrators in Europe

Mobility #Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Future of Mobility, #Intelligent Transport Systems, #Mobility Data Spaces
Thursday, November 07 - 11:45h - 12:30h (GMT+)
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