Venelina Varbova
Venelina Varbova Climate Finance Expert Global Covenant of Mayors of Climate and Energy Sofia, Bulgaria


Venelina Varbova has 19 years of experience in EU regional development policies and has authored studies and policy papers on various aspects of the green transition. Currently, she is a climate finance expert at the GCoM, providing technical support to cities in Central Asia, the Pacific region, and other regions for climate projects.


Save to calendar 05-11-2024 16:30 05-11-2024 17:15 Europe/Madrid GCoM and Partners: Business to Cities Matchmaking and Climate Finance

Given the growing impact of climate change on cities and citizens, there is a critical need to accelerate the implementation of climate action plans, particularly in small and medium-sized cities that have fewer resources. This session will showcase examples of how private sector collaboration with cities can support the implementation of these plans. The examples include smart parking and kerb management pilot project in India, preparation of an application form for circular economy and waste management project in Argentina, collaboration on plastic extraction from canal tributaries in Thailand and climate mitigating measures with floating infrastructure in Belize. The session will also offer insights into how cities can align their local needs with business expertise and showcase GCoM’s initiative that supports cities in fast-tracking projects at the pre-feasibility stage of development.

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