Sylwia Slomiak
Sylwia Slomiak Project Coordinator Eurocities Brussels, Belgium


Sylwia has 15+ years of experience in climate and energy. At Eurocities, she promotes non-subsidy financing through capacity-building and policy dialogue. She has worked for Swiss, UK, and Australian governments and managed a €145M portfolio under Swiss Contribution. She was also the first Country Expert for Poland at the European City Facility.


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 13:30 06-11-2024 14:15 Europe/Madrid Innovative Financing Options and Private Capital for Energy Transition in Cities

As subsidies run out, cities need new financing solutions for energy transition. Explore less traditional funding options and key barriers cities face, based on consultations on attitudes to innovative financing instruments on local level. Learn what options cities have and how to secure private capital and overcome obstacles. Missing this session means missing critical insights that could leave your city behind in the race to climate neutrality.

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