Stephanie Garnica
Stephanie Garnica Director of Global Engagements DEDO (Denver Economic Development & Opportunity) Denver, United States of America


Stephanie Garnica is the director of global engagement at Denver's Economic Development & Opportunity Office. Here, she leads the international strategy for the city to leverage and promote its’ global assets to attract foreign direct investment, oversees diplomacy, advises on international affairs, and forges global partnerships.


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 15:45 06-11-2024 16:35 Europe/Madrid Covering Needs to Make a City Home

How are cities adjusting to evolving urban dynamics to meet the needs of their residents effectively? What strategies can cities adopt to guarantee equitable access to essential resources for all their citizens? The session will delve into the measures being put into place by local governments to ensure access to urban design necessities, discussing the policies that are globally shaping more inclusive, sustainable, and secure cities.

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