Sergio Caballero Benito
Sergio Caballero Benito Deputy General Director of Sectoral Information Systems Madrid City Council Madrid, Spain


He holds degrees in Computer Engineering and an MBA, with several master’s in public administration and IT management. Since 1998, he has worked in both private and public sectors, holding senior IT roles. He is currently Deputy General Director of Sectoral Information Systems at the City Council of Madrid.


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 16:30 06-11-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid Smart City Platform

Madrid City Council presents its technological platform. The aim is to provide Madrid with the necessary technological solutions to implement a smart city model, through a platform that centralises the information and management of the city's public service contracts and provides the technological basis for the development and creation of the new services that the city will need in the coming years.

Smart City Platform

Enabling Technologies #Algorithms, #City Platforms, #Data Lake, #Data Management, #Implementation Challenges, #Networked Devices, #Smart Environments
Wednesday, November 06 - 16:30h - 17:00h (GMT+)
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