Serena Di Grazia
Serena Di Grazia Geologist/Science Communicator Confservizi Cispel Toscana Florence, Italy


Geologist and science communicator, director of the Maieutiké Association and author for the DeAgostini. She collaborates with Utilities in rising the awareness on water and waste. She works with European Universities and Research Centers in the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships program and she is a collaborator of Confservizi Cispel of Tuscany


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 10:30 06-11-2024 11:15 Europe/Madrid Weaving Digital Future of Communities, Cities and Regions

Major Cities of Europe and Socitm UK present their initiatives for technology innovation for Cities, Regions and Communities. Major Cities of Europe partners present some leading edge projects: UNCHAIN for Urban sustainable logistics, AVATEX and FLOWTEX for AI innovation and circular economy in the textile industry.

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