Rose Gregorio
Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Officer
EIT Urban Mobility
Barcelona, Spain
Rose Gregorio is a Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Officer in the Horizon Lab at EIT Urban Mobility. She currently leads the communication and dissemination efforts of BatteReverse, a Horizon Europe project focused on optimising the reverse logistics process for EV batteries.
Innovative Approaches to Charging Infrastructure
Mobility #Batteries, #Circular Value Chain, #Green Hydrogen, #Vehicle-To-Grid
Wednesday, November 06 - 15:30h - 15:45h (GMT+)
Trends Shaping Shared Mobility Data Use
Mobility #Blockchain in Mobility, #Integrated Payment Systems, #Mapping and Routing Software, #Mobility Data Spaces
Thursday, November 07 - 11:45h - 12:00h (GMT+)