Richard Threlfall
Richard Threlfall Global Head of IGH KPMG International London, United Kingdom


Richard is Global Head of Infrastructure, Government and Healthcare – a group of sectors that includes Transport, Construction and Business Services representing almost 25% of KPMG’s global revenues. He has almost 30 years’ experience in policy, governance, strategy and financing, advising public and private sector clients in the UK and overseas.


Save to calendar 05-11-2024 11:20 05-11-2024 12:10 Europe/Madrid Bold Strategies for Funding the Future

Groundbreaking ideas and visionary plans need finance to become reality. Cities must find financial partners and alternative economic models to achieve sustainable goals, perform community projects, and foster local growth. What options do cities have to finance public projects when national or regional budgets fall short? How crucial is cross-sector collaboration for financing? How can we unlock local investments to shift to clean and equitable economies?

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