Mina Kolagar
Mina Kolagar Co-founder & Innovation Manager PANTOhealth GmbH Berlin, Germany


Dr. Mina Kolagar is the co-founder of PANTOhealth, specializing in energy systems and deep-tech innovation in Berlin. She focuses on optimizing train maintenance using AI, positioning PANTOhealth in digitalizing the rail industry. Recognized as one of Berlin's future economic influencers.


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 10:30 06-11-2024 11:15 Europe/Madrid How To Overcome The Specific Investment Struggles For Mobility Startups?

Mobility startups face unique investment challenges, such as high capital requirements, regulatory hurdles with local permits, scaling difficulties due to multiple cities or countries, partner dependency and longer ROI periods. Hear from startups and investors on their approach to deal with these challenges.


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