Michael Perreault
Michael Perreault Innovation Project Manager Port of Quebec Quebec, Canada


Michael Perreault, holder of a master's degree in economics joined the Port of Québec in 2019.
Over the years, his responsibilities have focused on business development, business intelligence and innovation.
He now plays a key role in the innovation strategy at the Port of Québec and its innovation lab.


Save to calendar 05-11-2024 15:30 05-11-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid Start-ups and Ports Working Together for Success

In this session, we explore how start-ups can effectively collaborate with port authorities to drive success. We will explore practical strategies for start-ups in port-related industries, ranging from understanding regulations to finding ways to collaborate effectively. Additionally, we will delve into the role of innovation hubs that are gaining strength in this sector. Come join us as we uncover how start-ups can use partnerships with port authorities to drive growth and innovation.


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