Michael Donaldson
Michael Donaldson Comissioner for Urban Innovation Barcelona City Council Barcelona, Spain


Michael Donaldson is the Commissioner for Urban Innovation of Barcelona City Council. In the previous four years he has been Commissioner for Innovation, Electronic Adm. and Good Government of Barcelona City Council.He is a trainer in open government and transparency issues and has published several articles and chapters of public management.


Save to calendar 05-11-2024 17:30 05-11-2024 18:30 Europe/Madrid Digital Rights In Our Cities: From Challenges To Solutions

The session will highlight the role of cities in fostering human rights in the digital era and promoting a human-centered digital transformation. A first dialogue will expose how and why cities are relevant to addressing digital rights challenges. It will be followed by a solution dialogue, showcasing different projects from cities to uphold digital rights in urban spaces.


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 11:05 06-11-2024 11:25 Europe/Madrid How cities are leading the development of local digital twins

Following the examples of Barcelona and Munich, we will discuss how cities are leading the development of local digital twins to support urban decision-making and citizen engagement. Why cities should have a digital twin? What are the challenges of implementing these technologies at the local level?


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 15:45 06-11-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid Barcelona Innova Lab Mobility

Explain what the Barcelona Innova Lab Mobility consists of, which arises from the collaboration between the Barcelona City Council, Fira de Barcelona, and BITHabitat, with the support of the DGT and EIT Urban Mobility. In this regard, the current portfolio of projects will be presented, as well as the theme of the new mobility challenge that will be launched to the public.


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