Mario Rajn
Mario Rajn Mayor City of Križevc Križevc, Croatia


Mario Rajn graduated in mathematics at the University of Zagreb, with pedagogical and psychological competencies acquired at the Faculty of Education. He was elected mayor of Križevci in the 2017 and in 2021. During his mandate, Križevci turned in a green and sustainable direction. He is also currently Vice President of Energy cities.


Save to calendar 07-11-2024 14:45 07-11-2024 15:30 Europe/Madrid Turning the Tide: Achieving Europe’s Energy & Climate Goals Through Local Action

A climate neutral EU can only be achieved with a strong involvement of cities and regions. Here, we bring together high-level representatives of sub-national authorities sharing their experience with proven scalable innovative planning and financing solutions to give local action the spotlight in the achievement of Europe's energy and climate goals.

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