Jürgen Czernohorszky
Executive City Councilor for Climate, Environment, Democracy and Personnel
Stadt Wien
Vienna, Austria
Jürgen Czernohorszky studied sociology and became one of the youngest members of the Vienna City Council and Provincial Parliament in 2001. In January 2017 he was appointed Executive City Councillor for Education, Youth, Integration and Personnel. Since 2020, Czernohorszky is responsible for Climate, Environment, Democracy and Personnel.
The Tech Answers Making Cities Go Green
Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment #Cleantech, #Climate Tech, #Low Emissions Tech
Wednesday, November 06 - 11:40h - 12:25h (GMT+)
Clean Energy, New Dynamics: Cities in Transition
Energy & Environment #Decarbonisation, #Decentralized Energy, #Smart Grids
Wednesday, November 06 - 13:40h - 14:25h (GMT+)