Jung Hoon Lee
Professor and Project Manager
Seoul Metropolitan Gov. and Yonsei University
Seoul, South Korea
Junghoon Lee is currently the Director of DTTM and the iSi Lab at Yonsei University. He previously served as the honorary mayor and the inaugural chairperson of the Smart City Committee for Seoul. Currently, he is the Project Manager (PM) for both the Seoul Smart City Master Plan and Korea’s National Smart City R&D planning. Additionally, he serves as an external smart city expert for UN Habitat.
Digital Rights In Our Cities: From Challenges To Solutions
Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion #Digital Divide, #Digital Rights, #Safety & Security
Tuesday, November 05 - 17:30h - 18:30h (GMT+)
Smart City Expo World Congress,
People-Centred Smart Cities towards a Inclusive Global Digital Future
Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion #Alliances, #Cities for All, #Digital Equality
Thursday, November 07 - 10:00h - 10:45h (GMT+)
Smart City Expo World Congress,
How Cities are Digitally Transforming: Preliminary Findings from 2024 Smart Cities Index Report
Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy
Thursday, November 07 - 11:30h - 11:50h (GMT+)