Julienne Chen
Julienne Chen Head of City Partnerships EIT Urban Mobility Brussels, Belgium


Julienne Chen is the Head of City Partnerships at EIT Urban Mobility, a European knowledge and innovation community to accelerate the transition towards sustainable urban mobility and livable urban spaces. Julienne works with city & public entities at the forefront of co-developing and testing new mobility solutions and putting them into practice.


Save to calendar 07-11-2024 10:45 07-11-2024 11:30 Europe/Madrid Public-Private Funding Models For Sustainable Urban Mobility

Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress showcases some of the latest innovations in urban mobility. Yet, what funding and partnership configurations are required to implement them in the real world? Join our session with city and industry representatives to hear about real-world examples of innovative public procurement, mixed funding schemes and public-private partnerships that have helped new solutions get off (or on) the ground.


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