Jordi Espín Vallbona
Jordi Espín Vallbona General Secretary TRANSPRIME - Spanish Shippers’ Council (SSC) Barcelona, Spain


Jordi Espin is the Secretary General of TRANSPRIME Spanish Shippers' Council, Director of Strategic Relations at the European Shippers' Council and member of the Global Shippers' Alliance. He belongs to the ESSF of the European Commission and he is a National Councillor for Inland Transport of the Spanish Ministry of Transports.


Save to calendar 05-11-2024 17:45 05-11-2024 18:30 Europe/Madrid Tomorrow Freight: Last Mile Deliveries Update

Discuss and explore the future freight regarding last mile deliveres; challenges, opportunities witin a discussion on the new vision that needs to be updated in view of the rapid urban changes which are approaching.

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