John Biggs
John Biggs Founder Baker Hall Capital New York, United States of America


Save to calendar 05-11-2024 14:45 05-11-2024 15:30 Europe/Madrid Startup Pitches – Data-Driven Solutions for Livable Cities

Data analytics startups are helping cities become more livable by using sensors and real-time data to monitor air quality, traffic patterns, and energy use, leading to smarter urban planning and resource management. These startups look at the data up close and make it personal.

Save to calendar 05-11-2024 16:45 05-11-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Startup Pitches – Cutting-edge Solutions for Governments Worldwide

Government-focused startups are developing technologies that help cities manage resources, track sustainability metrics, and enhance public services, driving efficiency and ecological resilience. These startups will keep governments in check and bring them into the 21st century.

Save to calendar 06-11-2024 09:45 06-11-2024 10:30 Europe/Madrid Startup Pitches – AI & Real Time Monitoring Driving Urban Evolution

AI and real-time monitoring startups provide cities with the tools to track environmental conditions, optimize waste management, and improve energy efficiency, making urban areas more adaptive and sustainable. These promising companies are using AI for good.

Save to calendar 06-11-2024 11:30 06-11-2024 12:15 Europe/Madrid Startup Pitches – Paving the Way for Sustainable Urban Living

Startups are offering solutions that integrate green architecture, smart utilities, and circular economy practices to make cities more eco-friendly, reducing waste and energy consumption. These startups will keep us happy, safe, and cozy in our new urban environments.

Save to calendar 06-11-2024 15:30 06-11-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid Startup Pitches – Tech Solutions to Tackle Global Issues

Startups are using innovative technologies to address challenges like climate change, resource management, and pollution. From IoT to AI, these solutions aim to create smarter, more sustainable urban environments while reducing ecological footprints. This batch of startups promises to think big.

Save to calendar 07-11-2024 09:30 07-11-2024 09:40 Europe/Madrid Accessible Communication in Culture and Higher Education for a Livable City

Livable cities entail full participation in all areas of life for people with disabilities. In spite of the many efforts that have been made in this regard, ableism is still pervasive in areas such as higher education and the arts, with students and academics facing attitudinal barriers, invisible work and a lack of accessibility literacy. A number of solutions for these mostly easy to overcome barriers are put forward.

Accessible Communication in Culture and Higher Education for a Livable City

Living & Inclusion #Cities for All, #Digital Rights, #Education, #Physical Inclusion, #Social Inclusion
Thursday, November 07 - 09:30h - 09:40h (GMT+)
Save to calendar 07-11-2024 09:40 07-11-2024 09:50 Europe/Madrid A Multimodal Data Collection Vehicle for AV Algorithm Development Based on Data Fusion

Autonomous vehicles still need progress towards algorithms for perception in all-environmental conditions (e.g.bad weather). Data collection in such conditions needs complex equipment hard to set-up. At UPC-CD6 ( we have built an instrumented car with multiple imaging modes (3D+2D) for mapping and sensor testing uses, and to build a publc dataset of driving scenarios to develop DL perception algorithms based on data fusion

A Multimodal Data Collection Vehicle for AV Algorithm Development Based on Data Fusion

Enabling Technologies
Thursday, November 07 - 09:40h - 09:50h (GMT+)
Research and Academy, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC)
Save to calendar 07-11-2024 09:50 07-11-2024 10:00 Europe/Madrid Mantenim Circular Project

In 2022, the Mantenim Circular project was launched, thanks to the joint work between the ITeC and the Waste Agency of Catalonia. The main objective of this initiative is to give a second life to products and materials in the construction sector. Without wanting to compete with any marketplace, Mantenim Circular aims to connect the available databases with the potential of existing circularity of materials.

Save to calendar 07-11-2024 10:00 07-11-2024 10:10 Europe/Madrid Snap4City for Mobility and Transport and Tourism Management

 Cities are rapidly transforming their services to address societal, environmental and economic challenges. Verticals are progressively replaced by solutions capable of exploiting a huge range of data channels, via Artificial Intelligence, and cross exploiting data. Snap4City manages multiple domains in the city/area operating system enabling operation, management, plan and strategic views for mobility and transport, tourism, security, etc.

Snap4City for Mobility and Transport and Tourism Management

Enabling Technologies #Artificial Intelligence, #City Platforms, #Data Integration, #Data Management, #Digital Twins
Thursday, November 07 - 10:00h - 10:10h (GMT+)
Save to calendar 07-11-2024 10:40 07-11-2024 11:35 Europe/Madrid Startup Pitches – Sustainable Mobility Solutions

Innovative mobility startups focus on reducing emissions and traffic congestion through electric vehicles, shared transportation, and smart infrastructure, promoting cleaner and more efficient urban travel options. This group of startups is really going places.

Save to calendar 07-11-2024 15:10 07-11-2024 15:20 Europe/Madrid From Research to Reality: Welcome To The Future of mobility

In a world where your vehicle not only drives, how can a research centre like us catalyze your innovation? Widen your moat by winning the first mover advantage
Let’s design the future of mobility together!

From Research to Reality: Welcome To The Future of mobility

Enabling Technologies #5G, #Artificial Intelligence, #Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Cybersecurity, #Digital Twins, #Mobility Data Spaces, #Smart Traffic Management
Thursday, November 07 - 15:10h - 15:20h (GMT+)
Save to calendar 07-11-2024 15:20 07-11-2024 15:30 Europe/Madrid Research & Academy

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