Hugo Niesing
Hugo Niesing Founder and Director Resourcefully Amsterdam, Netherlands


Hugo Niesing is an Amsterdammer living on his sustainable houseboat for 34 years, the first 7 years without water, gas and electricity. Hugo Niesing’s work is fully focused on the smart integration of renewable energy, flexible consumption and e-mobility for Europe’s city transition.


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 18:15 06-11-2024 18:45 Europe/Madrid Community Energy Sharing in the City for the Energy System of the Future

Energy Community Sporenburg is a local, collective clean electricity production, consumption and grid congestion project in Amsterdam, replicated in Girona. Smart technology and community engagement achieve goals with real-time insights and energy control.


-local energy ownership

-Self-consumption peer2peer energy sharing



-Demand peaks transformation station

-Costly upgrades transformer station

-Electricity dependence

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