Francisco Andrés
Francisco Andrés Chief of the Drugs and Precursors Unit, General Subdirectorate of Operations. Deputy Directorate of the Customs Surveillance Service Spanish Tax Agency Madrid, Spain


Customs officer for the last 15 years. Since the begining of 2022 at the General Subdirectorate for Operations.
Though my hardest job is being father of a six years old girl


Save to calendar 05-11-2024 11:35 05-11-2024 12:20 Europe/Madrid Redefining the Battle Against Crime & Trafficking

With drug trafficking and organized crime on the rise, the European Commission is taking action with the European Ports Alliance and its Public-Private Partnership. Instead of sticking to traditional methods and government control, we will explore how disruptive innovation can be our secret weapon. Join us to learn how governments, port authorities and shipping companies can secure ports and fight crime.

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