Esteve Almirall
Full Professor Innovation - A.I. and Smart Cities
Barcelona, Spain
Esteve Almirall, Full Professor at Esade and Dtr. of the Center for Innovation in Cities, with a background in both AI and Management, particularly in Innovation. Frequent contributor to La Vanguardia, El Pais, Revolució 4.0 or El nacional among others, and a well-known public speaker around A.I., tech and innovation and of course Smart Cities!!!
Crafting Smart City Experiences: Madinah as a Model
Infrastructure & Building Living & Inclusion #Cities for All, #Digital Equality, #Digital Rights
Wednesday, November 06 - 15:15h - 15:35h (GMT+)
Covering Needs to Make a City Home
Infrastructure & Building Living & Inclusion #Cities for All, #Housing, #Urban safety
Wednesday, November 06 - 15:45h - 16:35h (GMT+)