Esteve Almirall
Esteve Almirall Full Professor Innovation - A.I. and Smart Cities Esade Barcelona, Spain


Esteve Almirall, Full Professor at Esade and Dtr. of the Center for Innovation in Cities, with a background in both AI and Management, particularly in Innovation. Frequent contributor to La Vanguardia, El Pais, Revolució 4.0 or El nacional among others, and a well-known public speaker around A.I., tech and innovation and of course Smart Cities!!!


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 15:15 06-11-2024 15:35 Europe/Madrid Crafting Smart City Experiences: Madinah as a Model

In the midst of the struggle to balance supply-driven and demand-driven technology adoption, city officials face the challenge of ensuring the practical implementation of human-centricity in their smart cities. How can cities translate strategies and theories into actionable initiatives that prioritize livability and inclusivity in technology adoption? Madinah, Saudi Arabia has tackled these dilemmas by introducing its City Experience Playbook.

Save to calendar 06-11-2024 15:45 06-11-2024 16:35 Europe/Madrid Covering Needs to Make a City Home

How are cities adjusting to evolving urban dynamics to meet the needs of their residents effectively? What strategies can cities adopt to guarantee equitable access to essential resources for all their citizens? The session will delve into the measures being put into place by local governments to ensure access to urban design necessities, discussing the policies that are globally shaping more inclusive, sustainable, and secure cities.

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