Eric Peters
Eric Peters Acting Head of Unit responsible for the Digital Decade 2030 Strategy, DG CNECT European Commission. European Commission Brussels, Belgium


Eric Peters is currently responsible to steer and implement the Digital Decade 2030 in the European Commission. Since 2005, he has served in several cabinet positions in the EU institutions and in France, advising on international, trade and digital policies. He is a visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges.


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 09:30 06-11-2024 10:15 Europe/Madrid Digital Rights in Europe: Where are we at and Where Shall we Go

The session will bring together stakeholders from cities, local governments, and European institutions to discuss how to uphold the place of digital rights in local and European programs and policies and what is needed at all levels of decision-making to build a digital rights focused digital transformation.

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