Daniel Sarasa
Daniel Sarasa General Director Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation Zaragoza, Spain


Urban Innovation Planner; PhD in Architecture; Director Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation; Author "Ciudad Abierta, Ciudad Digital"; Chair of the Data Working Group at Eurocities' Knowdledge Society Forum. Co-author of Zaragoza's digital agenda 2012-2015: "Towards a Smart Citizenship"


Save to calendar 07-11-2024 13:45 07-11-2024 14:30 Europe/Madrid Are These Innovations Worth It? Controversial Mobility Policies and Solutions.

Explore the pros and cons of innovative mobility policies and solutions in Spain and Portugal. This session will provoke thought and discussion on topics like free public transport, micro-mobility trends, automated mobility, reversed logistics, fast fashion, and the new bike insurance law. Engage with experts to understand the implications and pathways forward.


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