Costanza De Stefani
Costanza De Stefani Reinventing Cities Project Manager C40 Cities London, United Kingdom


Costanza is the Reinventing Cities Project Manager at C40. She graduated from UCL with an MSc in Environment & Sustainable Development and has a background in Environmental Engineering. She has first-hand experience in cities of China, Argentina and Western Africa.


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 09:45 06-11-2024 10:30 Europe/Madrid Reinventing Cities: Public-Private Collaboration for Sustainable Urban Regeneration

Cities and the private sector must join forces to develop a zero-carbon, resilient, and inclusive urban regeneration model. What are the strategies that cities can uptake? What is the private sector’s role? This session will showcase best practices and flagship urban regeneration projects including Reinventing Cities - a powerful initiative involving 30 global cities and over 3500 businesses to date.

Save to calendar 06-11-2024 11:30 06-11-2024 12:15 Europe/Madrid Youth Reinventing Cities : How are Youth Ideas Reshaping Cities?

We need to include young people’s voices and innovative ideas to create cities of tomorrow. C40’s Youth Reinventing Cities competitions empower young people, from schools to universities, to collaborate with city leaders and share their vision. In dialogue with cities, young leaders, and other partners, the session will unpack solutions that are truly inspiring and changing urban areas into more green and thriving neighbourhoods.

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