Cleto Carlini
Cleto Carlini Director of the Public Works, Green Spaces and Mobility Departme Municipality of Bologna Bologna, Italy


Expert engineer in public works and sustainable mobility projects. Currently, Head of Public Works, Green Spaces and Mobility Department and Director of "Sustainable mobility and Infrastructures" and "Public asset management" sectors at the Municipality of Bologna


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 14:45 06-11-2024 15:30 Europe/Madrid Implementing Low Emission Zones: Insights and Solutions

With EU Member States mandated to meet the EU Air Quality Standards, urban vehicle access regulations have emerged as a fundamental strategy for cities. Explore cutting-edge technologies and solutions driving UVAR and their implementation, delve into real-world lessons from cities and explore how LEZs reduce emissions, improve health outcomes, alleviate congestion, and enhance urban safety.

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