Christoph Vollath
Christoph Vollath Technical Director Mobility Area RACC Barcelona, Spain


I am interested in understanding the mobility user and their behaviour, especially in the areas of sustainable mobility, road safety and intelligent transport systems (ITS).


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 11:00 06-11-2024 11:10 Europe/Madrid Towards the Symbiosis of Active and New Micromobility

This Solution Talk looks into the differences in needs and expectations between users of active and new micromobility modes, including pedestrians, cyclists and pmd users. It will highlight challenges of interaction and show ways to overcome these. The storyline will be underpinned by insights from recent user surveys in the city of Barcelona.

Towards the Symbiosis of Active and New Micromobility

Mobility #Challenges of interaction, #Nudging, #Promoting Cycling Culture, #Walkability
Wednesday, November 06 - 11:00h - 11:10h (GMT+)
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