Catia Chiusaroli
Catia Chiusaroli Head of Mobility Planning City of Bologna Bologna, Italy


As the Head of Mobility Planning office at Metropolitan City of Bologna, Catia is the metropolitan SUMP coordinator and her office deals with all issues related to the relationship between mobility, territory and cities, with particular attention to the issues of Public Transport, cycling and sustainable mobility in general.


Save to calendar 05-11-2024 09:45 05-11-2024 10:30 Europe/Madrid Urban Mobility Unlocked: How Hubs Make it Happen

Multimodal and Interconnected Hubs for Freight and Passenger Transport come in various sizes and functions, catering for both people, goods or a combination of both. They are crucial to delivering Zero-Emission and seamless urban mobility. This session will provide an overview of different types of hubs, the essential role they play in creating cities built for and around people and which are the best practices from MOVE21.

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