Carlos Sierra Martín-Serrano
Carlos Sierra Martín-Serrano Director of Transport Services EMT Madrid Madrid, Spain


Current Transport Director of EMT Madrid. He has a Degree in Industrial Engineering, Master in infrastructure and public services management and Master in Business Administration and Engineering. He has wide experience in Bus technology, fleet maintenance and related infrastructure planning.


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 10:15 06-11-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid Driving Change: The Role of Vehicle Fleets in the Sustainable Mobility Transition

The successful deployment of zero-emission technologies, both at vehicle and infrastructure level, heavily depend on their adoptions by private and public vehicle fleets. This panel will reflect on the importance of fleets to accelerate the adoption of cleaner forms of mobility and will explore the role of fleets in supporting transformational mobility innovations.

How will public and private vehicle fleets evolve in tomorrow's mobility? What role will they play in the sustainable urban mobility transition?

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