Batia Mach Shepherd
Batia Mach Shepherd G-MiC Project Manager Mashcal - Local Government Economic Services LTD Tel Aviv, Israel


Smart City strategy expert. Formed the vision and strategy for “MIC-Municipal Innovation Center” in Israel, a unique knowledge center, based on academic research, with a holistic and integrative approach Smart City . A Lecturer and a keynote speaker. A mentor and a judge in an international accelerator program for Smart technologies.


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 15:55 06-11-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid Navigating Urban Challenges with GovTech Solutions

In a constantly changing world, cities are adapting their strategic plans to prepare for the future. However, how governments respond to citizens' direct concerns will truly redefine agile governance. In this session, we will explore how GovTech solutions guarantee efficiency and effectiveness in addressing both urban challenges and cities' needs while incorporating other leaders in the digital transformation to make it happen.

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