Arnis Gulbis
Arnis Gulbis IT Director at Latvian Post, Riga Municipality Director, Riga Digital Agency Riga, Latvia


Senior executive IT Manager experienced in improving and developing business through the effective use of data and technology. Now leading Riga Digital Agency with main objectives to support and promote the digital transformation of local government by providing innovative, high-quality and secure information and communication technology services.


Save to calendar 05-11-2024 15:45 05-11-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Urban Air Mobility by 5G solutions: Accelerating Drone Services

An international panel of experts will share knowledge, use cases and best practices to accelerate drone services and urban air mobility using 5G solutions. It will focus on enhancing 5G connectivity in urban spaces and highlight the importance of city roles and cross-border collaboration. Event aims to foster EU-wide innovation and regulatory harmonization, driving advancements in smart city technologies and sustainable urban development.

Save to calendar 05-11-2024 16:45 05-11-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid EDIC CitiVERSE: Enabling Digital Twins on Cities through EU LDT Toolbox

LDT CitiVERSE EDIC is progressing on two tracks: on the one hand in building the digital infrastructure around the Digital Twins and on the other hand in finalizing the establishment of the legal framework as well as increasing the number of adhering Member States. The session covers both aspects with a focus on the development of the EU LDT toolbox as the main asset of the future digital infrastructure around the Digital Twins in Europe (DDP).

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