Anna-Lina Kvarnsmyr
Anna-Lina Kvarnsmyr CEO & Co-founder Walking Talking Stockholm, Sweden


Anna-Lina Kvarnsmyr, a Future Of Work - entrepreneur who fights isolation and sedentarism by bringing people together through movement, communication and collaboration in work life. She's a sales and marketing pro who holds an MBA and a B.A in Pedagogy and has 20 years in tech in several successful Start-ups and Scale-ups as leader, investor and board member.


Save to calendar 07-11-2024 11:45 07-11-2024 12:25 Europe/Madrid Startup Pitches – Active and Inclusive Mobility

Startups specialising in active and integrated mobility are supporting pedestrians and cycling-friendly infrastructure, seamless intermodal connectivity and enhanced accessibility. Their efforts are making urban spaces more vibrant, liveable, safer and conducive to healthier lifestyles. In this pitching session, we welcome the following startups: Dreamwaves E-CAFE BIKE (CITY COMMUTERS s.r.o.) Moby Nemi Novality SparkPark WalkingTalking

Startup Pitches – Active and Inclusive Mobility

Mobility #Equity and Inclusion in Mobility; Mobility for All, #Mobility transition, #Start-ups, #Sustainable Tourism, #Urban Mobility
Thursday, November 07 - 11:45h - 12:25h (GMT+)
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