Anna Camp Casano
Anna Camp Casano Energy and climate coordinator Provincial Council of Girona Girona, Spain


Since 2019, I have been coordinating the energy transition and energy department of the Province of Girona. My main task within the Institution is to accelerate energy transition at local level. Occasionally collaborate with the European Commission and RECAH. I have been an associate professor at the University of Girona.


Save to calendar 06-11-2024 18:15 06-11-2024 18:45 Europe/Madrid Community Energy Sharing in the City for the Energy System of the Future

Energy Community Sporenburg is a local, collective clean electricity production, consumption and grid congestion project in Amsterdam, replicated in Girona. Smart technology and community engagement achieve goals with real-time insights and energy control.


-local energy ownership

-Self-consumption peer2peer energy sharing



-Demand peaks transformation station

-Costly upgrades transformer station

-Electricity dependence

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