Almudena Cano
Almudena Cano Responsable del departamento de Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible Metrovacesa Madrid, Spain


City design advisor and facilitator specialized in democratizing urban processes by engaging stakeholders to develop innovative solutions for sustainable urban and social change. In 10 years of practice I’ve tested and refined collaborative work methods with participants accross the globe (in the UK, Spain, Morocco, India and other countries).


Save to calendar 07-11-2024 15:45 07-11-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Green infrastructures, key in business action for more sustainable cities.

At this session Forética will conduct live interviews with the leading companies of the Sustainable Cities 2030 initiative. Each of them will tackle the topic of green infrastructure from a different angle.

Green infrastructures, key in business action for more sustainable cities.

Infrastructure & Building #Decarbonisation, #Energy Efficiency, #Green Building, #Smart Infrastructures, #Zero Emission Buildings
Thursday, November 07 - 15:45h - 16:30h (GMT+)
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