Alexandra Briem
Alexandra Briem City Council member and Chair of the Digital Committee Reykjavík City Council Reykjavik, Iceland


Alexandra Briem is a Councillor and Chair of the Digital Committee of Reykjavik, representing the Pirate Party. She has played a pivotal role in advancing digital services, transparency, and data infrastructure modernisation as part of the city’s majority coalitions since 2018.


Save to calendar 05-11-2024 17:30 05-11-2024 18:30 Europe/Madrid Digital Rights In Our Cities: From Challenges To Solutions

The session will highlight the role of cities in fostering human rights in the digital era and promoting a human-centered digital transformation. A first dialogue will expose how and why cities are relevant to addressing digital rights challenges. It will be followed by a solution dialogue, showcasing different projects from cities to uphold digital rights in urban spaces.

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