The Role of Data Protection in the Context of the Smart Cities

Governance & Economy #Accountability, #Best Practices, #Data Strategies, #Legislation, #Policy-making, #Regulations
Wednesday, November 06 18:15h - 18:45h
Save to calendar 06-11-2024 18:15 06-11-2024 18:45 Europe/Madrid The Role of Data Protection in the Context of the Smart Cities

The incorporation of new technologies, particularly AI, in defining public policy implementation and decision-making processes represents a paradigm shift that brings evident advantages. However, at the same time, privacy risks substantially increase. For this reason, the design of public policies in environments like smart cities cannot be done independently of data protection regulations. It must be considered from the beginning.

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The incorporation of new technologies, particularly AI, in defining public policy implementation and decision-making processes represents a paradigm shift that brings evident advantages. However, at the same time, privacy risks substantially increase. For this reason, the design of public policies in environments like smart cities cannot be done independently of data protection regulations. It must be considered from the beginning.

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