NetZero cities: Public Transportation and Personal Mobility

Mobility #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Intelligent Transport Systems, #Low Emissions Tech, #Mass Transit, #Public Transport, #Zero-Emission
Wednesday, November 06 12:45h - 13:30h
Save to calendar 06-11-2024 12:45 06-11-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid NetZero cities: Public Transportation and Personal Mobility

This event will focus on how cities can adapt their transportation systems to achieve NetZero and personal mobility goals, drawing on experiences from cities in Asia and Europe. Speakers will share both positive and negative lessons from real-world deployments, with examples from Utsunomiya, Grenoble, and Helsinki among others. The discussion will highlight how transportation changes align with broader city goals for sustainability and healthy living.

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This event will focus on how cities can adapt their transportation systems to achieve NetZero and personal mobility goals, drawing on experiences from cities in Asia and Europe. Speakers will share both positive and negative lessons from real-world deployments, with examples from Utsunomiya, Grenoble, and Helsinki among others. The discussion will highlight how transportation changes align with broader city goals for sustainability and healthy living.

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