Investors’ Talk: Leveraging Public Capital to Scale Private Investment.

Governance & Economy #Best Practices, #Business Models, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Internationalitsation Strategies, #Investment Models, #Local Economic Development, #Policies
Tuesday, November 05 11:45h - 12:30h
Save to calendar 05-11-2024 11:45 05-11-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Investors’ Talk: Leveraging Public Capital to Scale Private Investment.

How can private capital be scaled with public capital? Key initiatives focus on successful models of public-private partnerships, policies and incentives to attract private investment in public projects, and innovative funding mechanisms like blended finance and co-investment. These approaches are critical to driving economic growth and fostering collaboration between private and public sectors.

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How can private capital be scaled with public capital? Key initiatives focus on successful models of public-private partnerships, policies and incentives to attract private investment in public projects, and innovative funding mechanisms like blended finance and co-investment. These approaches are critical to driving economic growth and fostering collaboration between private and public sectors.

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